
Symphytum officinale  /  Family: Boraginaceae

A native European plant, rich in anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound healing properties, Comfrey grows up to one meter in all temperate regions of the world. It is a perennial plant with thick leaves and pretty bell-shapes flowers coloured white and various shades of pink to mauve. The many common names for Comfrey include ‘woundwort’ and ‘knit-bone’, which refers to the plants renown for healing wounds, sprains and broken bones. It is so effective that herbalists advise against applying comfrey to a deep wound as it would heal over too quickly.

Key Benefits: 

  • Stimulates the repair of damaged tissue. 

  • Used externally to encourage healing of bruises, sprains, fractures.

  • Promotes cell renewal making it useful for wound healing, collagen production and tissue regeneration.

Properties: anti-inflammatory, astringent, demulcent, vulnerary.


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