Cocoa Butter

Theobroma cacao  /  Family: Malvaceae 

Natural Cocoa butter is extracted from the pods of cocoa beans that grow directly from the trunks of the Cocoa tree. The Cocoa tree grows to height of five to ten meters in the humid regions of West Africa (predominantly), Asia and South America. Historically cocoa dates back to the Olmecs and was used in a form of beverage and over time became a symbol of wealth. Hence the origin of its genus name ‘Theobroma’. In greek ‘theos’ means God and ‘broma’ means food. It was known as ‘food of the Gods’.

Key Benefits: 

  • Very moisturising, particularly recommended for dry skin.

  • Useful for skincare after sun exposure. 

  • One of the most stable butters known as it contains natural antioxidants. 


Citric Acid

