
Arnica Montana /  Family: Asteraceae

Arnica is renowned for being a powerful healing herb, effective in relieving the pain, inflammation and swelling caused by bruises, strains and sprains. The German folk name for Arnica means ‘mountain well-being’ as this remarkable perennial herb was found growing mostly in the mountainous woods and pastures of central Europe and used successfully as a remedy for a number of conditions over many years. Used externally on unbroken skin, the powerful healing qualities of Arnica have been shown to ease the pain from arthritis, bruises, sprains, strains and help ease joint stiffness and muscle pain.

Key Benefits: 

  • Improves local blood supply and accelerates healing.

  • Used on sprains, strains, bruising, joint stiffness and muscle pain.

  • Promotes circulation and encourages new hair growth.

Properties: Anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic. 


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